Elias Koulouridis
Astrophysicist, MSc, PhD
Associate Researcher
National Observatory of Athens
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing
Athens, Greece

Elias Koulouridis
Born in Athens 17/5/1977
Languages: Greek, English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English),
Spanish (fluently), French (Certificat Pratique de Langue Française – 1e degré)
Researcher ID: C-4731-2014
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9423-3723
2009 Ph.D. in Astrophysics, University of Patras in collaboration with the National, Observatory of Athens
2005 M.Sc. in Theoretical, Computational Physics and Astrophysics, University of Patras
2003 Physics degree, University of Patras
2019-present: Associate Researcher, IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece.
2015-2019: Senior post-doc, Département d’ Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, France.
2012-2015: Post-doctoral fellow, National Observatory of Athens, Greece.
2011-2012: Post-doctoral fellow, State Scholarship Foundation, Greece.
2009-2010: Post-doctoral researcher, National Observatory of Athens, Greece.
2018: Student grant, ERASMUS+ (EU program for education) for the training of a master student.
2013: Collaboration grant, COST (European Collaboration in Science & Technology) within the frame of the "Black holes in a violent Universe" action.
2012-2015: Post-doctoral fellowship, within the framework of the Action «Supporting Post-doctoral Researchers» of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning", co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State, €150000.
2011-2012: Post-doctoral fellowship, from the “State Scholarship Foundation” of Greece.
Member of the XXL consortium
Member of the Athena collaboration
Member of the X-Class collaboration
Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS)
Member of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (HelAS)
2019: 2.3m Aristarchos Telescope, Greece, P.I., observer, photometry.
8 nights
2016-2017: 10.4m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS, La Palma, P.I., multi-slit spectroscopy of high-z clusters.
33 hours -
2014: 2.3m Aristarchos Telescope, Greece, P.I., observer, narrow-band photometry.
5 nights -
2013-2014: 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, La Palma, observer, multi-fibre spectroscopy.
3 runs, 12 nights in total -
2015-2008: San Pedro Martir 2.1m telescope, Mexico, observer, Spectroscopy of AGN galaxies and their neighbours.
3 runs, 16 nights in total -
2006: San Pedro Martir 0.8m telescope, Mexico, observer, Photometry of AGN galaxies and their neighbours.
7 nights -
2006: Cananea 2.1m telescope, Mexico, observer, Spectroscopy of AGN galaxies and their neighbours.
6 nights
Extensive experience in the reduction of optical MOS data (WHT and GTC data)
Experience in X-ray spectral fitting using XSPEC
Extensive experience in the reduction of optical spectroscopic data using IRAF
Extensive experience in analysing XMM-Newton X-ray observations
Extensive experience in FORTRAN programming
2019: LOC member, Supermassive Black Holes environment and evolution, Corfu, Greece.
2017: Organizer, The XXL consortium meeting, St Jacut, France.
2016: LOC member of "Hot spots in the XMM sky" conference (Mykonos Island, Greece)
2015: LOC member of "Demographics and environment of AGN from multi-wavelength survey" conference (Chania, Greece)
2014: Organizer of the XXL-AGN meeting in Athens.
2014: SOC member of the 5th Astrophysics Winter School of the National Observatory of Athens, "The Unification Model of Active Galactic Nuclei"
2012: LOC member of the "Half a century of X-ray Astronomy" conference (Mykonos, Greece)
2018: Deep Learning training (CEA, France)
2015: Astrostatistics Winter School (Ecole de Physique de Houches, France)
2013: “Black Holes at all scales” Summer School (Ioannina, Greece)
2019: Supervisor, undergraduate student, thesis, IAASARS.
Anamaria Gkini, "Host galaxy differences between Seyfert I and Seyfert II"
2018: Supervisor, master student, Erasmus+ training programme, CEA/Saclay.
E. Dringa, "X-ray AGN in high-redshift galaxy clusters" -
2018: Supervisor, undergraduate student, 3-months internship, DUT mesures physiques - CEA/Saclay.
C. Rascoussier, "Statistics of high-redshift cluster detections in X-rays" -
2016: Supervisor, master thesis, Observatoire de Paris - CEA/Saclay.
Michelle Tsirou, “The AGN contamination of X-ray galaxy clusters of the XXL survey” -
2013-2015: Funding (partly) and mentoring, two Ph.D. students through my fellowship grant.
2012-2015: Lecturer, Observational Astronomy for master students, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2004-2005: Lecturer, "Visitor centre for education" for primary and high school students, formed in the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the framework of the programme "Open Doors".
Referee for peer-reviewed scientific journal (MNRAS, 5 times).
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science
2010 - present
2010 - present